NSADR Group subscriptions renewals are due on 1st January 2024. Can we please urge you to continue your support for your local charity?
May we also take this opportunity to remind you that continued membership allows access to free drive/ride checks to maintain your driving/riding skills and invitation to group events.
The minimum donation/subscription is £12.00.
If your membership has lapsed over recent years then please consider re-joining. In the event that you may have chosen to no longer renew your IAM Roadsmart membership you may still contribute to our efforts, by way of a donation which you can also Gift Aid. These funds are highly valued and help the Group to deliver road safety in North Staffordshire.
If you are in a position to Gift Aid, we get a further boost from HMRC.
Due to increasing bank charges and difficulties paying in cash or cheques, we can now only accept electronic renewal:
Send your donation via BACS to:
Sort Code 01:03:69.
Account No.30453682.
Account Name North Staffs Advanced Drivers.
Quoting your IAM membership number and confirm you details on the form below: –